Stormtrooper & Darth Vader Standalone with Ghazi & Sarina

Our love story begins since 2006. Wahh. Almost 10 years. Omg! Okay sambung cerita... It start with our first met at Mamak, t...

Our love story begins since 2006. Wahh. Almost 10 years. Omg! Okay sambung cerita...

It start with our first met at Mamak, tu pun perkenalan atas kawan. Well, Ghazi masa tu punya lah berlagak kan, kita lalu sebelah pun tanak pandang. Elehh, dia ingat Erin nak tunjuk? Kita perempuan pun juai mahai ler. Hehe.

Nak dijadikan cerita, Erin was the first yang tegur Ghazi kat Myspace! Hahaha. Yes love thru a Social Network. Dari situ lah kami start rapat dan lama-lama terjatuh cinta. Jodoh tu orang kata. Hehe.

Paling Erin tak bole lupa, kita accident motor sampai sikitttt lagi kepala Erin nak kena langgar dengan kereta, that time memang lucky sangat sebab Ghazi sempat tarik. Wahhh! Scary gila kot. Kalau tak sempat alamatnya takda lah cerita ni. Depan kawan-kawan dok cover line, buat cool macam tak sakit. Tapi bila balik rumah langkah kaki je terus menjerit macam orang gila. Sakit wooo! Taubat tanak buat dah. Hahaa

Sampai lah tahun ke 3 on 2010, we built our love then ends with broke up. Wuwuwu sedih tu memang sedih. Tapi nak buat macam mana kan. Hampir setahun juga lah bawa diri, tapi orang kata kalau dah jodoh tak ke mana, kan? Kami jumpa balik on 2011, tu pun kakak Erin yang aturkan. 

'My dearest Husband, Ghazi. Every single day that I spend being your wife, I realise how lucky I am to live such an amazing life with you. I love you, now and forever' - Your Lovely Wife, Erin

So on 2011, we start our new story. We guys did almost everything together. Just name it, travel, party and lots of fun together. Hahaha. I felt the world is ours. We enjoyed everything, just both of us.  Hehe. Sampai lah satu masa niat hati Ghazi nak ikat tali pertunangan dengan Erin, which is on 2014. Wahh nak kata pasal ikat memang agak lama lah, 2 tahun kami ikat. Sampai lah on 2016, we decided to get married and yes at last we both are halal now. I am so grateful. Thank you husband.

'Oh my sweetheart, my wifey, I love you more with each breath I take. If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then you realize how special you are to me' - Your Super Husband, Ghazi.

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